Tuesday, September 12, 2006

September 12th - Copenhagen

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
I got into Copenhagen pretty early but for some reason I took a really, really slow bus in from the airport. So, my arrival by air at 0700am didn't bring me into Copenhagen City until 1pm or so. I spent the majority of my day in the Inner City region of the city. This area, of course, is where the Copenhage Sex Museum resides. Since I went to the one in Amsterdam - and that one wasn't that great - I didn't really have to go to this one. But I did. It was somewhat better than the one in Amsterdam. If anything I felt much more comfortable here since there wasn't many other people in there while I was there. However, there was a moment of uncomfortableness as I ran into a guy "enjoying" himself in the gay porn section while he was watching a very vivid and suggestive adult-minded movie consisting of an all male cast, if you know what I mean.

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