Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Sarah leaves the Abbey

Sarah goes away 4
Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
So, it's down to two. Sarah left last weekend and now there are only two international teachers for the Abbey staying in the stables. It was a very sad time. However much we tried we couldn't talk her into staying. Glenn's job is still vacant and we're still looking for a permanent teacher but she wanted out. I've been asked to stay on for the remainder of the year but I'm not too keen on it. I'm on a weird contract that pays me about 15-20% less than the other international teachers, I can't write off any of my expenses, and the school isn't willing to help me out with my rent. Plus, I have the British Gas Company on my butt to make a gas bill payment that was for the previous tenant and the heat keeps knocking out. It's dropping down to freezing during the nights here and my new heating unit keeps knocking out. The other weekend it went out and when I called the management company on Saturday to come fix it they said the contractor couldn't come Saturday and might make it in on Sunday. Of course, they didn't come on Saturday because the contractor had tickets to a football match in London (he told our neighbor about it) and he didn't come Sunday even though a friend of ours saw him at the pub. I slept on Odette's floor for two nights. By Sunday evening, Len and I decided to fix it ourselves. I climbed up onto the roof to push a little red button which started the furnace up again. I don't believe the contractor ever did come to check out my problem. Then it went out again on Tuesday.
No heat and no hot water and the management company didn't think it was a big enough emergency to call in their second contractor. Hmmm, not persuading me to stay at all. Except, I've been told that the workload drops by almost half by mid May. Nothing happens as the year tens go away for work experience, the Year 12 and 13 are sent home. We only have to deal with the Year 11s and even then we only see them for a limited amount of time as they write exams. Glenn's schedule is a hard, though. He has some really difficult students. I'll have to think about it.

Graduation was last week. I missed it, of course. I got some pics from Diana and everyone looked great. It looked fun and I wish I coulda made it. Oh well, next time maybe.

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