Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Stonehenge weekend

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
So, I finally got out of Ramsey and went somewhere that I actually wanted to see. However interesting the cathedrals are out here they weren't the things I really had in mind when I came to England. Stonehenge is a circular arrangement of, well, stone. The henge itself is not what it orignally looked like. Our guide told us that the whole thing had collapsed by the time they found it and the arrangement that we see now is an one organised by the people the restored it. It's not a very widely known fact because the English want tourists to believe they're coming to see the original - though deteriorating - henge.

It was very cold and my first thought upon seeing it was that it was very small. It's a great thing to see but you'll never make the 3 hour trek out by bus to see it again. £5 to walk along a 250m roped course around the henge was a little much. The only time that you can go and touch the stones are during the winter and summer solstices where they turn it into a festival site 'full of hippies' as our tour guide said.

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