Thursday, November 03, 2005

Free dinner

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
The other day Fiona came into my class to watch me teach science. I think it went okay, the Lindsay Lohan joke notwithstanding, and the students weren't too freaked out by having a second 'adult' in the class. However, I did take the liberty to take a coupla cracks at Fiona. We got around to what I eat during the day (I don't remember how but I'm sure it was of utmost importance that they understood the dietary norms or Mr.Jay) and I said something to the effect I don't usually eat a proper breakfast or dinner because there's no one at home to cook for me. Of course, this was tongue-in-cheek because Fi often cooks pasta and pasta-related dishes for dinner but the students felt concerned enough about this that they brought me a space dinner. I haven't eaten it yet - and I'm not too sure I will considering it's from a student - but apparently it's whole meal in a bag that I have to boil for 10 minutes. Great, eh? It's amazing how dropping little hints will reap unexpected rewards.


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