Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Roman Baths

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
The Roman Baths is the only remaining large piece of evidence showing the presence of the Romans in England. Unlike Stonehenge, there hasn't been much change or fixing-up of the baths. It's pretty much the same as it was found. They did clear out some of the stuff that had collapsed into the baths but that's about it. The water still runs through and into the baths, however it's high in iron and lead. (That's why so many of the wealthy that used the baths went crazy, I guess.) Very interesting but a lot of information. I kinda lost it after two hours.

They built another bath right next to this one. The spring water (filtered?) comes into the new bath and allows the public to come pay for the enjoyment of swimming in the baths. Unfortunately, it's been closed for the last few years because the paint they used on the pool is toxic and the hot spring water is causing the toxins to come out of the paint. Until they can figure out how to prevent the toxins from coming out of the pool it can't be used. End of trip. Back at work.

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