Saturday, April 28, 2007

April 28th - Book Twenty-Two: Girls

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
I finally finished another book. It's been two weeks but it's because I'm reading three books at the same time, plus I'm trying to learn the Math 11 curriculum so I don't look like an idiot when I teach it every weekend. I'm staying one step ahead of them and it's working...I think. Girls is a book by Nic Kelman, an MIT and Brown University grad. I bought the book in England because of a positive blurb I read about it written by James Frey. It was somewhat a thoughtful commentary of what men think about when someone of the opposite sex walks by but the style is weird and the story is broken up into complicated bits and pieces that don't neccessarily fit together. This book has received a lot of praise from critics all over the world but to me it's not really that great a book. But what do I know? 2.5/5. (214 pages. Total for the year: 5696 pages)

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