Sunday, April 01, 2007

April 1st - Book Eighteen: Clay’s Way.

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
Written by 21-year-old Blair Mastbaum about a 15 year old skater boy that is in love with an 18 year old surfer dude. Very abstract but somewhat believable. The story jumps around a lot and plays into a lot of different things that make the story seem disjointed but I think it’s just in the vein of how a 15-year guy might actually think when going through all of the trails of falling in love with another guy. It’s not the greatest book out there and it might not be worth your time to search it out but if you find it out there for, let’s say $4.99 – like I did at Hager Books on 41st Avenue – then maybe pick it up for a quick read. Otherwise, maybe just try out your own ‘alternative’ side and experience this story for yourself first hand. Rating: 3/5. (246 pages. Total for the year: 4547 pages)

By the way, did you know that Vancouverites purchase more books per capita than any other city in North America? If this is actually true, it leaves me wondering why half of my friends are illiterate. (And some of these are teachers.)

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