Friday, January 12, 2007

January 12th - Book Three: Pure

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
Book 3 is Pure by Rebecca Ray. I bought this book from Heathrow Airport on my way home to Vancouver. It's a book about the trials of a high school girl growing up in England and contains a lot of references to schooling in England, which is ultimately the reason I bought it. About an eighth into the book, it dawned on me that this book is either: (a) a young adult fiction book or (b) poorly written. I think it's the latter as the topics written about are not really young people issues. As well, Rebecca Ray left school at 16 to write this book and having taught in an England school, I can say these types of grammatical errors have an origin. She writes with strong knowledge of certain issues and I believe that she probably experienced a lot of the things that she writes about. I wonder if this book is actually an autobiography for Ms. Rae. The story has to do with the weird relationship between father and daughter and it's very difficult - confusing, maybe - to figure out how everything goes wrong. I don't think the book is available in Canada anyways so my rating of this book can't persuade you to read it or not but here it is anyways: with poor writing and a moderate plot, I'd rate it a 2/5. (416 pages. Total for the year: 953 pages)

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