Wednesday, January 24, 2007

January 24th - Book Six: Early Bird

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
My sixth book was Early Bird by Rodney Rothman which I purchased from Book Warehouse for the fabulous price of $4.99. I bought the book primarily because it has a jacket cover "praise" from Jon Stewart of the Daily Show. (Now, I know everyone is hyping the Cobert Report right now but nothing, not even Stephen Colbert, can hold a candle to Jon Stewart.) Obviously, if Mr. Stewart finds this book funny, it's gotta be funny. And it is. It's a great book. His writing style and humour is akin to David Rakoff or David Sedaris but much easier to understand as he's heterosexual - so the sex jokes he writes actually makes sense to me - and younger - so the sex jokes he writes acutally makes sense to me. Mr. Rothman was once the head joke writer for "The Late Show with David Letterman" and writes hilariously of retiring in his late 20s to a retirement facility in Florida. Slowly morphing into the type of people the he finds himself surrounded by in Florida, he sheds light on how it feels to be old and retired in the US. I recommend this book highly - and if you rush out you can probably find a few still available at the $4.99 table at any of the Book Warehouses in Vancouver. I give it 4.5/5. Pick it up! (256pages. Total for the year: 1588 pages)

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