Thursday, May 17, 2007

May 17th - Book Twenty-Six: Londonstani

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer
Sometimes I miss England and this sort of thing is a great reminder of just how much I miss it. This is a fantastic book that Narv leant me and it tells a story about growing up as a young,middle class British Asian (Indian) in current-day England. (It was released last year and it was actually a highly touted book that I saw everywhere while in England but I didn’t get around reading it then because it was (I thought) such a large book with over 300! pages. (Now, well, 300 is still a lot of pages but the Canadian print of this books seems to me (somehow...possibly thinner stock paper? Or dense ink?) to appear a little smaller and, thus, a little more manageable.) When I taught in Ramsey, I only had two or three Indo-Britians in all of the classes I taught and they seemed to have completely bought into being British so I don’t know how much of this book is really true but, based on the general experiences I had with young English society, I wouldn’t bet against any of this possibly happening. A great story with a very unsuspecting and shocking surprise ending, I recommend it highly to all those that are looking for a perfect summer read. 4/5 (342 pages. Total for the year: 6850 pages).

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