Thursday, May 10, 2007

May 10th - Book Twenty-Five: The Child Buyer

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
Written in 1960, Pulitzer Prize winning author John Hersey's "The Child Buyer" is my 25th - aka hump - book of 2007; I'm half way through to 50. As noted on the book's cover, it is a very Orwellian story that produces a surprisingly immoral story that I guess could have been considered plausible when it was writen. However, some will say that, with the advent, success, and proliferation of computers and other artificial intelligent machines, the story has passed its time. Yet, if you consider that every one in this generation owns digital gadgets that handily store information so they no longer need to learn or retain information as long as they are attached to these machines, possibly this fictional story, though using dated examples, is actually ironically prophetic. The book is very good. I liked it very much. Rating: 3.63/5. (258 pages. Total for the year: 6508 pages).

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