Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Circus freak show

Well, I'm on to the second week of teaching. It's mostly getting better (one class is getting worse) and I actually only look forward to the end of the work day for 5 hours instead of 8 hours of the day.

I went back to Peterborough on Saturday and this time I went into Barret's Catherdral. I've got pictures that I will post in the coming days. The cathedral is famous for the fact that Queen Katherine is buried there. There where other famous members of the monarch that were buried there but they were eventually repatriated to the royal cathedral (I can't remember the name) in London.

I was freaked out last night by some banging on my window. That's the window closest to the graveyard. Had a difficult time sleeping so I stayed up listening to UK sportstalk radio. 3 hours of cricket talk about the ashes. It's the only sport that will end a game after a certain amount of time without considering the fact that the winning team had 10 more outs than the losing team. A five day contest and you can't make it fair enough that each team gets the same number of at-bats? It's just a jar full of wood ash anyways. Why would you care about that? The British are dominating obscure world sports these days. Next thing you know it, they've won the Stanley Cup, the Arena Football Championships, and the WNBA Championships.

I've decided to bribe all the kids I'm teaching - except the worst one . . . they get nothing - but it's starting to cost me. Bags of chips here are only 10 cents each but I keep eating them. And chocolate bars are cheap but the kids don't like the ones I buy. I keep buying orange flavored Kit Kat bars. How could you not like these?

I'm very happy to hear from all that have been emailing. Considering that I can't see, hear, or talk to anyone back home directly, it's very nice to still have contact with members of home. Besides the fact that you aren't here, it almost feels like you are.

Did you know that they don't sell carry-away cups like the Middle Year 2005 one we got? It's come in handy. Very handy.

Got to go now. I'm out of toilet paper and the only grocery store in town closes at 1900hrs.


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