Saturday, December 02, 2006

December 2nd - Formosa

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
It's been a long time since I posted on the blog. I find myself back in Vancouver waiting out time until I get my next international teaching placement. The agency hasn't given me anything really concrete for a while, which is making me a little angry. But, I guess all I can do is wait. At least the hospital has given me back my job so I'm making some cash while I wait it out. Another thing I'm doing is teaching mathematics at a private school called Formosa. It's a chinese school that offers mathematics challenge courses to keen kids and Norm had been doing it for a while but doesn't want to do it any more so he asked me if I wanted to take it over. Initially, it was set up by a well respected math teacher from one of the east side schools, it's fallen a bit in quality. I'm teaching a class of tens and elevens but haven't done any challenge questions at all. In fact, I'm just teaching them the curriculum. Surely, it's not much fun for the students but I can't teach them what I don't have; Norm said he'd get me challenge questions but hasn't yet. The classes are small (2 in the elevens and up to 8 in the tens) and the kids are easy enough to teach. This is the gnome on the teacher's desk - actually, it's just a student desk at the front of the classroom but whatever.

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