Thursday, March 01, 2007

March 1st - Book Thirteen: Into Thin Air

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
Jon Krakauer's book "Into Thin Air" is a very well known and very well read book about the 1998 Everest climbing year, which at the time was the deadliest year for Everest climbers. It reads very easily and the story is very well written. It's interesting and informative, giving insight into what extreme altitude mountaineering actually entails. Obviously, it's much more than climbing a couple of hundred metres of slight incline as the handicap of low oxygen and ice creates a nasty and unforgiving situation. The only thing that I question is the detail that Mr. Krakauer puts into describing the events. He often comments on the decrease in lucidity with increased altitude but writes of the events as if there wasn't even a slight imparement of his cognitive ability. I bought this book at Value Village on Victoria Drive for $2.99 and I recommend the book to anyone. I give it 3.5/5. The other book in the picture is Woodstock and Snoopy painting Easter Eggs. I read that book with my niece Emma. A very good read as well. Even though it's a book and I read it, I'm not including it as one of my 50 books. (416 pages. Total for the year: 3446 pages)

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