Saturday, August 12, 2006

August 12th - Nimijen

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
Norm and I are now in Nijmegen staying with Karen. We are planning to begin our Eastern European trek from Amsterdam tomorrow. We arrived in Brussels on August 10th staying overnight and travelled by train into Antwerp yesterday. Antwerp was okay. We tried to eat Antwerpian but ended up eating Chinese the first night. The second day worked out better and we had their famous belguim fries and deep fried meat products. Afterwards, we went to the Diamond Museum next to the train station. The area around the train station is pretty grubby; It's full of adult orientated stores as this is also the red light district of Antwerp. It seems they're trying hard to clean it up, though, and a lot of new, touristy stores are opening up. We arrived into Nijmegen earlier today via a Ryan Air flight into Eindhoven where we took the train into Nijmegen arriving at around 1300hrs. I tripped and twisted my ankle running for a connecting train and it's swollen up a lot. Karen - a medical student - took a look and thinks it's sprained but not broken. We checked out's a small college town with a big river running down the middle of it. It's a very neat little town. Everyone rides bikes. And it has this big bridge. I like bridges. Went out on the town with Karen and her friends. We ended up eating weird Nijmegen sausages at a late night fish and chip. The first one fell on the floor (my was the beer) and the other one was still frozen in the middle. However, it till tasted good. This is a picture me, Norm and the gnome in Nijmegen park.

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