Unfortunately, there is so much to see everything is starting to look the same. There are so many pyramids, statues, and tombs they all meld into one. Actually, there is so much history being told to us that I've tuned out the guides and just taken pictures of neat things. I'll look them up and read about them later. The dollar and pound sterling are so strong here that Norm and I are living like kings right now. (Well, at least like the second prince to the British throne. That's Prince Harry, right?) We aren't really famous or much different than anyone else but because we earn dollars and quids we can afford the greater luxories, like a shower that doesn't double as a toilet. (You laugh but it's an option.)
We had the best falafals in the world yesterday. It was super good.
We leave for Cairo tonight on a night train where we'll spend two more days before we head to Brussels and our jumping off point for two weeks of travel in Eastern Europe. First stop is supposed to be Budapest, Hungary and we'll make our way jumping through Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Austria.
The picture is of the Egyptian security guard that saved the baby from our burning train just moments after it collided with a small donkey pulling a cart full of watermelons from the fields of Luxor. Actually, this is Barney the Doberman Pincher and his handler night guard Greg West. Everyone is due their five minutes of fame (re: Paris Hilton) and Barney is in the midst of his. Barney works in a small teddy bear museum in Wells, England. Unfortunately, Barney went nuts and destroyed $900,000 worth of bears. Barney even ripped the head off a brown stuffed bear once owned by the young Elvis Presley during the attack, leaving fluffy stuffing and bits of bears' limbs and heads on the museum floor. The bear, named Mabel, was made in 1909 by the German manufacturer Steiff. The Associated Press states: "A security guard at the museum, Greg West, said he spent several minutes chasing Barney before wrestling the dog to the ground." Bad dog.
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