Tuesday, May 22, 2007

May 22nd - Book Twenty-Seven: Thirst

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer
I used to buy and try to read a lot of short story books but I stopped this year because I know that I usually give up on them once I run into even one story in the compilation that I find poor. I haven't actually finished many compilations before. With my goal being to finish 50 books within the year, I've made an effort of foregoing anthologies to limit the number of discarded starts that could, possibly, reduce the overall number of pages I'll have to read to garner this goal by December 31st. In contrast, I have to read any other book that I start to its last page regardless if it turns sour somewhere in the middle. So, notice, this is my first book of essays this year.

Book 27 is a book that I bought at a London Drugs book sale a couple of years ago. I actually can't remember when I bought it, nor the amount of money I shilled out for it. I do remember that I purchased this Ken Kalfus book of short stories because I read the first story in the London Drugs and I liked it a lot. But, not all of the stories are in the same interesting level as the first two or three of the book. Actually, besides the great writing style, some of the stories drag and stumble to get to the end. Having said this, I do think it's an above average book and I'd recommend it to anyone that can get their paws on a copy of it somewhere, be it Abe's or Powell's or some other reduced price book peddler. 3/5 stars, baby. (207 pages. Total for the year: 7057 pages).

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