Saturday, July 22, 2006

July 22nd - Stratford-Upon-Avon

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
Zel and I drove down to the birth place of William Shakespeare. This picture has Homer in front of Willie's Stratford home on Henley Street. It is now a museum full of Shakespearean stuff. The price of admission was a little more than two teachers from lowly Ramsey could afford so we just looked through the windows at all the Japanese tourists that could afford the price of admission as they wandered through a staircase...the only part of the interior of the house visible from the window. Then we went to the pound store. We can afford that.
We tried to get to Holy Trinity Church where both Willie and his wife Anne Hathaway are buried but we always seemed to get onto the wrong road. We must have passed through the city centre three times on three different roads. We finally gave up and unfortunately for us we didn't get to see dead Willie.

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