Tuesday, April 04, 2006

spring break

Originally uploaded by cherubichomer.
It's spring break!!! I've been wasting the past few days away. I guess I coulda helped out with the revision days - where we require specific grade D students to come in to do extensive science work in hopes of getting them to a level that they may achieve a grade C - but I didn't. I'm heading to Vancouver tomorrow and I'm leaving in the next few hours to get the bus into Huntingdon. My plan is to try to get to Heathrow after the London rush hour but I don't exactly know if that's possible cause I don't know what hours London rush hour runs. I have a super heavy hockey bag that I can't lift myself. The courtyard is gravel so right when I step out of my door comes the first test since the wheels won't roll over the pebbles. Good work, eh?

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