Monday, January 30, 2006


Hey all. Found a way around this county's anti-blog measures. So, I'll try to update this as many times as possible now. As you now know, I've decided to stay another 6 months. My fate was sealed after I bought an ironing board on Saturday. Obviously, if I'm going to impulsively buy a £7.99 ironing board from the Rainbow Co-op I'm destined to stay so I get at least 6 months of use out of it.

I actually haven't told senior management that I'm staying so there's still an opportunity to back out of it. I don't think I'll do that, though, considering the tremendous drop in work following Easter.

I've also picked up a 21 inch television from a guy I met at the Jolly Sailor Pub. It's only a year or two old and I got it for £20. Well, I bought him a pint, too, so it works out to be more like £23. I works fine but I have to keep it on the low down as England requires all television users to register their TVs and pay the annual stipend of £160. It's money that keeps the BBC going. The BBC shows hockey games every two weeks or so. Wednesdays at 3Am. Yippee.

I haven't figured out how to circumvent the ban yet so I can't post pictures anymore. I'll figure it out, though. Believe you me. Without much else to do but watch the Simpsons at 6pm and what ever garbage movie is on channel 4 at 1000pm, I'm searching the web or listening to webcasts of NHL hockey games. At least they haven't blocked


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