Saturday, December 24, 2005
December 24 - Helsinki, Finland
Thursday, December 22, 2005
December 22nd - Stockholm
Today is day two of Sweden and I've already done all the things that I had planned to do. Unfortunately, hockey is out since the teams are on a Christmas break. Djurgarden is the nearest team that's on an island just east of Old Stockholm. Djurgarden aren't a very good team this year (they lost about 12 players to the NHL this year) but their next game is against HV17, which happens to be the best team in the Swedish Elite League. Unfortunately, that game is on the day that I return back to England. I'm looking into getting to Finland tomorrow. It's weird, though, that it's looking like a pretty difficult task. I can't figure out how to get there by ferry because all the ferries work outside of the country for some reason. The train might be an option but I couldn't figure that out either. Easyjet, Ryan Air, and Airberlin don't fly directly to Finland from here and Blue1 and Scandanavia Air are really expensive. I'll try something in the morning. I may go to the Vasa Museum if there's nothing else to do but I'm 90% sure I'll be on my way out of Sweden tomorrow and 99% sure that I won't be spending Christmas in Sweden.
Monday, December 12, 2005

So, I've booked my flight for Sweden and I'm off on December 21st to December 28th. I'm really excited because this is about the time that they hand out the Nobel Prizes. Of course, it doesn't go out until the new year but I'm sure there will be some heavy scientist about the town at about the same time as me. As well, we have decided to book a van and drive up to Scotland for the New Year. Six people in a small van beginning December 29th. It'll be fun, I think. Whatever.
I haven't received my tickets for Turin Winter Games yet but they billed my credit card so I'm positive I'll be there for February 19th games (USA vs. Sweden and Finland vs. Canada) and the women's final on February 20th.
I've purchased tickets for the World Cup of Football in Germany, too. The tickets are super cheap but they sell out very quickly. I'll get a response email in two days telling whether or not I've got the tickets for Brazil vs. Australia. (It's Odette's choice...she wants to watch her home country play the hot Brazillian tean.) The game is in Munich and I'm sure it'll be a great time.
We're in the end stretch before Christmas. The year elevens are all studying for mock exams so I don't have to teach them. I only have seven teachable hours this week. What a relief.
Got a weird email from Guy dressed as a dwarf type thing. Odd indeed.
Hope all is well.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Sarah leaves the Abbey
No heat and no hot water and the management company didn't think it was a big enough emergency to call in their second contractor. Hmmm, not persuading me to stay at all. Except, I've been told that the workload drops by almost half by mid May. Nothing happens as the year tens go away for work experience, the Year 12 and 13 are sent home. We only have to deal with the Year 11s and even then we only see them for a limited amount of time as they write exams. Glenn's schedule is a hard, though. He has some really difficult students. I'll have to think about it.
Graduation was last week. I missed it, of course. I got some pics from Diana and everyone looked great. It looked fun and I wish I coulda made it. Oh well, next time maybe.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Abbey vs. Ailwyn Football
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
King's Cross-St.Pancreas
Roman Baths
They built another bath right next to this one. The spring water (filtered?) comes into the new bath and allows the public to come pay for the enjoyment of swimming in the baths. Unfortunately, it's been closed for the last few years because the paint they used on the pool is toxic and the hot spring water is causing the toxins to come out of the paint. Until they can figure out how to prevent the toxins from coming out of the pool it can't be used. End of trip. Back at work.
Bath Abbey
The next day we travelled to Bath. The first thing we saw was the Bath Abbey. Another church. Unfortunately - or fortunately - it was closed for Sunday service so none of us got to go in.
Salisbury Cathedral
The trip that we took - with TOPDECK tour groups, which by the way is top notch and very good - consisted only of teachers working for or in association with ITN. Of the 32-odd teachers at least 10 were Canadian. Of the Canadians there were 6 or so from Vancouver. And four or five that took the UBC program during the same time I did. (I recognized them but they were in other cohorts.) The moose is from a woman from our graduating year. She carries a moose and includes it with her in all of her pictures. Coincidentally, I take a dwarf with me and include it in all of my pictures. So, we put them together. Voila, the two toy travelling companions.
Stonehenge weekend
It was very cold and my first thought upon seeing it was that it was very small. It's a great thing to see but you'll never make the 3 hour trek out by bus to see it again. £5 to walk along a 250m roped course around the henge was a little much. The only time that you can go and touch the stones are during the winter and summer solstices where they turn it into a festival site 'full of hippies' as our tour guide said.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
The Matey thing on the right side of the dwarf (that's his right, not yours) is a bottle of bubble bath. It's a sample of the product I've been giving to students as a prize. They seem to love bottle even though the soap itself is rank. It smells like wax and I'm sure it'll cause smallpox or something if you use it in your bath. They're sold on the asthetic appearance of a young blond-haired lad with a sailor cap.
Haven't done much this week or the last. I'm going to Stonehenge on Saturday and Sunday but that's about it. Bought my Olympic hockey tickets from the British Olympic Website. Apparently, the British aren't big into hockey. They still have Team Canada tickets for sale. And gold medal matches.
They've been shooting off fireworks for the last 5 or 6 days. Not because of Halloween but because of some weird religious thing. Something about the resurection or something where they went around and killed all the Catholics. 'Off with their heads.' Odd.
I'm in the midst of marking and doing interim reports for my year 10s. I did the year 11s last week. It's super difficult considering we do these without any marks. I've been giving almost everyone an A, which is probably wrong. Whatever.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Free dinner
Friday, October 28, 2005
My weekend.
Because I wasn't able to get to Sweden, I spent th elast few days in Cambridge to pass the time. Nothing else to say. School begins on Monday.
Trafalgar day
Friday, October 21, 2005
The end of the first term
Finally, the end of the day. The evening calls for a pub crawl going-away party for one of the Oz teachers that is going home. Actually, he's going to Vancouver, California, and Oregon before heading back. It's going to be a hard night, I think.
Tomorrow, I'm off to Cambridge. It's suppose to be the coldest winter here in a long time. I need a warm jacket that I can use for both school cover and travelling to Sweden, Russia, and Italy. Sunday, I'm off to Sweden. Sweeeedddddeeeeennnn!!!!
I got paid yesterday, which is only a month late. Not too happy about that but at least I have the money before Sweden. I'm happy.
The school has unofficially asked me to sign on for the remainder of this year and possibly a portion of, if not the entirety of, the next year. Hmmmmmm, not too sure what to do.
That's all. Out.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
We have bats in the gate leading to our flats. They were dive-bombing Sarah yesterday. We watched it happening and the bats were getting within a foot of her head as she walked through the gate. They hate us.
I'm heading to London today. Back to civilization. We got Skydish yesterday and a telephone the day before so we're getting to a point where we're actually getting more comfortable. It only takes a tv to get back to the realities of life. Until now, I hadn't really realized how much of life you could learn from watching 'Friends'. That Joey has shown me the way.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Ghost story
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Circus freak show
I went back to Peterborough on Saturday and this time I went into Barret's Catherdral. I've got pictures that I will post in the coming days. The cathedral is famous for the fact that Queen Katherine is buried there. There where other famous members of the monarch that were buried there but they were eventually repatriated to the royal cathedral (I can't remember the name) in London.
I was freaked out last night by some banging on my window. That's the window closest to the graveyard. Had a difficult time sleeping so I stayed up listening to UK sportstalk radio. 3 hours of cricket talk about the ashes. It's the only sport that will end a game after a certain amount of time without considering the fact that the winning team had 10 more outs than the losing team. A five day contest and you can't make it fair enough that each team gets the same number of at-bats? It's just a jar full of wood ash anyways. Why would you care about that? The British are dominating obscure world sports these days. Next thing you know it, they've won the Stanley Cup, the Arena Football Championships, and the WNBA Championships.
I've decided to bribe all the kids I'm teaching - except the worst one . . . they get nothing - but it's starting to cost me. Bags of chips here are only 10 cents each but I keep eating them. And chocolate bars are cheap but the kids don't like the ones I buy. I keep buying orange flavored Kit Kat bars. How could you not like these?
I'm very happy to hear from all that have been emailing. Considering that I can't see, hear, or talk to anyone back home directly, it's very nice to still have contact with members of home. Besides the fact that you aren't here, it almost feels like you are.
Did you know that they don't sell carry-away cups like the Middle Year 2005 one we got? It's come in handy. Very handy.
Got to go now. I'm out of toilet paper and the only grocery store in town closes at 1900hrs.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
My work schedule

Here's my teaching schedule for the Abbey. They do it weird here where the teaching blocks go for a fortnight. Another oddity is that because of workload issues I have to share the 11SL class with another teacher. So, my schedule has me teaching them 3 days straight Tuesday to Thursday in Week A and then I don't see them in Week B. David gets them for two days in Week B. This messes up things since we have to teach off where each other has ended at and try to teach in a similar way. The red blocks are my preperation blocks. I can't teach in these blocks at all. The orange blocks are spares and I may be called on to teach as a TOC for teachers that may be away that day but they promised it wouldn't happen often. So, I teach only 32 out of 50 blocks every two weeks. The biggest problem is that I have so many lesson preps. Some of the year 10s and 11s don't start the same units and if they do they have different curriculum. For example, the 10SA and 10SE are both doing Humans as Organisms but they are of different ability. Triples are the A students, C and below . . . well let's just say they aren't A students. Because of this, the triples get a different, more involved curriculum and the 10SE get something less involving. A big positive is we don't have to do lunchtime monitoring but if we want to do it we get paid about $20 and hour. I'm gonna look into that one since that'll buy that many more smarties. The year 10s have module tests in early November meaning I have to get done the unit before this. There is no exceptions to writing the modules and they count for their GCSEs, which is the equivalence to Provincials in BC except they count for 70% of their overall mark. So, really I'm here not to grade their ability but to make sure they have the ability to write the modules. My kids have been okay so far. They gave me top flight students, which means they have better attitudes but this also means I have to teach more of the complex and involved curriculums. Boohoo for me. Plus, it's the kids are expected to do well so when, not if, their marks come back less than satisfactory I'll be called out to explain myself at which point I'll begin crying and then balling up in the foetal position as they kick me to the curb. Unfortunately, they want me to teach to them directly instead of using my new found teaching strategies bestowed upon me by UBC education. The upside to this is they have a million very good textbooks. I love the large pot-of-gold bundle of resources they have for me. They've even produced Unit Plans (which they call Sheets of Work) for entire units that we are requested to follow as it ensures we finish in time. They're great! If I have time, I'll post a sample for you all to see. Gotta teach in 20 minutes. I'll finish this up at the end of the day.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Had them do a place mat today. They weren't as inventive or demanding as the Canadian kids I've had do this for me.